NanoVNASaver is developed by Rune B. Broberg. It is a multiplatform tool to save Touchstone files from the NanoVNA, sweep frequency spans in segments to gain more than 101 data points, and generally display and analyze the resulting data.
This software connects to a NanoVNA and extracts the data for display on a computer, and for saving to Touchstone files.
Current features:
- Reading data from a NanoVNA
- Splitting a frequency range into multiple segments to increase resolution (tried up to >10k points)
- Averaging data for better results particularly at higher frequencies
- Displaying data on multiple chart types, such as Smith, LogMag, Phase and VSWR-charts, for both S11 and S21
- Displaying markers, and the impedance, VSWR, Q, equivalent capacitance/inductance etc. at these locations
- Displaying customizable frequency bands as reference, for example amateur radio bands
- Exporting and importing 1-port and 2-port Touchstone files
- TDR function (measurement of cable length)
- Display of both an active and a reference trace
- Live updates of data from the NanoVNA, including for multi-segment sweeps
- In-application calibration, including compensation for non-ideal calibration standards
- Customizable display options, including "dark mode"
- Exporting images of plotted values

Download it from github.