Calibration NanoVNA
Calibration should basically be performed whenever the frequency range to be measured is changed. If the error has been corrected correctly, the calibration status display on the screen will be Cn D R S T X. n is the data number being loaded.

However, NanoVNA can complement the existing calibration information and display to some extent correct. This will happen if the frequency range is changed after loading the calibration data. At this time, the display of the calibration status on the screen is cn D R S T X. n is the data number being loaded.
Reset the current calibration state CAL RESET
Connect OPEN standard to port1( CH0 ) and execute CAL CALIBRATE OPEN.
Connect SHORT standard to port1( CH0 ) and execute CAL CALIBRATE SHORT.
Connect the LOAD standard to the port1( CH0 ) and execute CAL CALIBRATE LOAD.
Connect the LOAD standard to port1( CH0 ) and port2( CH1 ) and execute CAL CALIBRATE ISOLN. If there is only one load, connect the LOAD standard to port1( CH0 ) , the port2( CH1 ) can be left unconnected.
Connect cables to the port1( CH0 ) and port2( CH1 ) , connect the cables with the through connectors, and execute CAL CALIBRATE THRU.
End calibration and calculate error correction information CAL CALIBRATE DONE
Specify the data number and save. CAL CALIBRATE SAVE SAVE 0
- Each calibration data must be imported after the display is sufficiently stable.
This page was translated from cho45’s NanoVNA User Guide.